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Rockford Brain Injury Attorneys Protecting Your Rights

Getting you the compensation you deserve after an accident

A brain injury is one of the most devastating injuries you can incur. They can be the result of any type of accident, and come with serious consequences. If you or a loved one suffered a brain injury due to the negligence or reckless actions of another person, you have the right to pursue compensation. The attorneys at Brassfield & Krueger, Ltd. have extensive experience handling personal injury cases in Illinois. Trust us to help you through the legal process after a serious accident.

Causes and symptoms of a brain injury

Often, brain injuries are the result of auto accidents, such as a truck or a motorcycle accident. Other causes include slips and falls, contact sports, assault, and more.

A brain injury is any physical trauma to the head or brain and can range from mild to severe. A brain injury might not be immediately obvious, which makes it especially dangerous. If you have been hit on the head, you should pay attention to potential symptoms that can be a sign of a bigger problem, including:

  • Headaches
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Memory loss
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Nausea
  • Blurred vision

After an accident, if you start to notice any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. Then, get help from an experienced personal injury attorney at our firm.

Types of traumatic brain injury

The type of brain injury you incur is determined by the nature of your accident. Some of the more common types of traumatic brain injury (TBI) include:

  • Concussions. Common in athletes, these injuries are caused by a blow to the head. The effects are usually temporary. Most of the time, concussions are mild and people recover fully.
  • Contusions. A bruise or bleeding on the brain, a contusion is usually the result of a direct hit to the head. Larger contusions may have to be surgically removed.
  • Diffuse axonal injuries. These injuries usually occur because of a shaking or a strong rotation of the head. Tearing of the nerve tissue can lead to temporary or permanent brain damage or even death.
  • Penetration injuries. When an object, such as a bullet or knife, penetrates into the brain, it can cause tearing or rupturing of the brain tissue.

TBI can be extremely serious and often has major consequences. Our attorneys can help you determine fault after a brain injury. The personal injury statute of limitations is two years in Illinois, so be sure to get help from an experienced attorney as soon as possible.

High-quality Legal Assistance from Rockford Brain Injury Lawyers

If you or a loved one has suffered from a brain injury caused by another’s negligence, Brassfield & Krueger, Ltd. is prepared to help you get the compensation you need. Call us today at 815.398.9700 or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation at our Rockford or Streator, Illinois office.

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