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Motorcycle Accidents Attorneys Rockford

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Motorcycle Accidents Attorneys Rockford

Motorcycles offer many riders a sense of freedom and enjoyment on the road that passenger vehicles do not. However, this freedom can also come at a high price when riders or drivers fail to remain alert and follow all traffic laws since these crashes often involve serious injuries. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 153 motorcycle riders were killed in Illinois in 2020. 

If you or a loved one have been injured by another driver’s negligence while riding, compensation may be available to help you recover. At Brassfield & Krueger, Ltd., our motorcycle accidents attorneys in Rockford have helped many injured people seek justice, and we may be able to help you, too. 

What Causes Motorcycle Crash Injuries in Rockford

Unfortunately, many drivers do not properly watch for motorcycle riders. In fact, about a third of motorcycle crashes occur when the negligent driver (known in a lawsuit as the tortfeasor) attempts a left turn against traffic and crosses directly into the path of a motorcycle. After these accidents, the tortfeasors usually make statements like “I never even saw the rider” or “They came out of nowhere.”

Sadly, the number of these accidents appears to be rising. The NHTSA reported 5,579 motorcyclist deaths nationwide in 2020, the highest number on record since its fatality reporting system began in 1975. Large SUVs and pickup trucks are more common on roads than in years past, and these vehicles are difficult to see around.

Alcohol is also a leading factor in Rockford motorcycle crashes. According to some surveys, as many as a third of these accidents involve alcohol impairment. Alcohol is a depressant that slows reaction time, impairs judgment, and makes multitasking almost impossible. As little as one drink causes most drivers to be dangerously impaired.

Motorcycle Crash Injuries in Illinois

Since they are completely exposed to danger in crashes, motorcycle riders are over 25 times more likely to die in vehicle collisions than the people inside the car. Some of the serious injuries include:

  • Head Injuries: Even if the victim is wearing a helmet, a head injury is still a near-certainty. The violent motion by itself may be sufficient. Just like a person can scramble an egg without breaking the shell, a collision can scramble the brain without breaking the skull.
  • Internal Injuries: These same forces also cause internal organs to grind against each other. The resulting internal bleeding is difficult to stop outside a surgical setting. So, many victims lose up to half their blood in motorcycle wreck cases.
  • Broken Bones: Though normally not life-threatening, these severe injuries cause major problems. The rider’s bones are usually so badly broken that doctors must use metal parts to set them. As a result, the injury is very painful and often results in permanent loss of motion.

When another motorist is to blame, compensation may be available for the huge medical bills that result from motorcycle crashes, in addition to lost wages and other economic damages. Most victims are also eligible for compensation for noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering.

Reach Out to a Tenacious Lawyer

Illinois streets are dangerous places for motorcycle riders. For a free consultation with an experienced motorcycle accidents attorney in Rockford, contact Brassfield & Krueger, Ltd. We use our experience and deep knowledge of the law to help injured people work toward a better tomorrow.

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