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McHenry Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Home / McHenry Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

McHenry Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Walking, whether for exercise, commuting purposes, or out of necessity, is one of the best things that a person can do for their health, and is something that most people should be doing more of everyday. However, while walking is an optimal way to get to and fro, it can also be dangerous. Not only do people slip, trip, and fall when walking, but there is also the potential to be struck by a car, particularly when crossing a street.

If you have been hit by a vehicle in McHenry, our pedestrian accident lawyers are here to represent you. We know how devastating pedestrian accidents can be, and will work hard on your behalf.

Top Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

The majority of pedestrian accidents are caused by the negligence of one of the parties involved, typically the driver. Acts of driver negligence and error that can lead to serious crashes include:

  • Using a cellphone while behind the wheel;
  • Driver distraction (as a result of phone, passenger, music, eating, etc.);
  • Failing to come to a complete stop;
  • Failing to yield right-of-way;
  • Failing to look for pedestrian on corners/in crosswalks;
  • Speeding; and
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

In some cases, a pedestrian accident may be caused by the negligence of the pedestrian who is hit. Unsafe walking, such as crossing when the light does not indicate to do so, listening to music while walking, or texting while walking all increase the risk of a pedestrian accident.

Damages from a Pedestrian Accident

While a pedestrian who is involved in a crash will clearly not suffer any major property damage losses like a the operator of a motor vehicle involved in a serious accident would, the damages from a pedestrian accident are often significant. Indeed, because a pedestrian in an accident takes the majority of force in a collision, the pedestrian may incur a number of serious injury types, including a traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injury, internal injuries, bone fracture injuries, and more.

Why You Need an Attorney after Being Hit by a Car

If you’ve been hit by a car and suffered injuries, working with an attorney is in your best interests. An attorney will assist you in:

  • Determining fault (the party who caused the crash is responsible for paying for it);
  • Opening an investigation;
  • Hiring any necessary experts, including accident reconstruction experts and medical experts;
  • Valuating your damages and understanding what your claim is worth;
  • Filing your claim and demanding damages;
  • Negotiating for a fair settlement; and
  • Filing a lawsuit if need be.

Our Law Firm Cares About  You

At the offices of Brassfield & Krueger, Ltd., our experienced McHenry pedestrian accident lawyers understand the tragedy in which you and your family have been involved. Our team also knows how to represent clients like you after a serious accident, and will get to work immediately building your claim. To learn more, please call us today to schedule your free consultation.

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For your convenience, we have offices in Rockford and Streator.