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Dwight Car Accident Attorney

Home / Dwight Car Accident Attorney

Dwight Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents are frightening events that take up a great deal of your emotional and physical reserves. There may be long periods of recovery and uncertainty over how you are going to support yourself and your family while you are recovering. The attorneys at Brassfield & Krueger have successfully recovered millions in damages for clients who were injured by the negligence of others. If you are injured in a car accident in Dwight, IL, the following is some basic information you need to know.

Who Caused the Accident?

That is the first thing that must be determined in a car accident investigation. In cases in which the other driver is to blame, you can file a claim against his or her auto insurance. If you caused the accident and you have a comprehensive plan, you can file a claim against your own Personal Injury Protection policy or PIP policy. In cases in which the other driver fled the scene of the accident and can not be tracked down, was not carrying insurance at all, or carried a policy that does not cover the full extent of your damages, you can make a claim against your Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist policy.

The only kind of policy that Illinois requires you to carry is liability coverage. However, if you do not carry PIP or UIM coverage, you may be limited in what you can recover when the other driver is not at fault or cannot be found.

Accidents Involving Commercial Vehicles

In cases in which an accident is caused by a truck or some other commercial vehicle, the company that owns the truck is responsible for recovering damages. In this case, you would make a claim against that company’s insurance policy or sue the company directly if their own negligence contributed to the accident.

All companies are responsible for the conduct of their employees while they are on the job. If their employees cause an accident, then the company is responsible for it. This usually means making a claim against the company’s commercial auto insurance policy.

Nonetheless, insurance companies will not go out of their way to offer you the full value of your claim. That you must fight for, and it helps to have a Dwight car accident attorney on your side who understands how the insurance company negotiates.

Uber and Rideshare Accidents

What happens when an accident is caused by an Uber or rideshare company driver? The driver is actually covered by two policies, their own policy, and a commercial Uber policy. The Uber policy pays out between the time they have accepted a fare and when they have dropped off their customer. Their own insurance policy would pay out in all other instances.

Once again, you will have to fight for whatever you recover.

Talk to a Dwight, IL Car Accident Attorney

The attorneys at Brassfield & Krueger have successfully recovered millions in damages for our clients. If you have been injured in a car accident call us immediately. We can help.

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